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Freedom from toothache

If you have ever been unfortunate enough to experience a toothache, you will know that it can be excruciating. A severe toothache can have a significant impact on our general health and wellbeing. The experience of a toothache varies amongst individuals. You may experience sharp pain, swelling, or a pro-longed throbbing pain.

Toothache stems from the nerves at the core of our teeth. The nerves in our teeth help to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tooth. They are surrounded by highly sensitive tissue, which is why toothache involves such large amounts of pain.

Short-Term Consequences of toothache include:

  • Insomnia- A large amount of pain can prevent you from falling and staying asleep. Toothache is often worse when we are laid down, exasperating the problem.
  • Sensitivity + problems eating- You may not be able to eat on one side of your mouth, or you may experience further pain when consuming very hot or cold foods.
  • Fever- It is likely that your toothache is caused by an infection, which can also lead to fever.
  • Headaches- Most toothaches can also cause a head ache. Your headache may also be caused by muscle and jaw tension which builds up during toothache.
  • Sinus Issues- Sinus toothaches typically occur when the issue is located in the sinuses rather than teeth. Sinusitis leads to referred pain which is often felt as toothache.
  • Disruption to work + family life- For some individuals, the pain is so bad they may not be able to attend work or social events.

If you experience a severe toothache, you should seek immediate medical attention. The longer you leave this, the worse the pain, and the problem causing the pain will get. Your local dentist should be your first port of call. If your local dentist cannot help, you can try a nearby alternative or seek an NHS emergency appointment by dialling 111. A delayed appointment is not advisable in this context.

You must be examined by a professional so they can provide a precise diagnosis and treatment plan. At Zayra Dental, we always try to accommodate urgent appointments. If you are local to the Leeds area and looking for the best dentist near you, contact us today to see how we can help.

If left untreated, toothache may get worse, and cause potential long-term issues. Long-Term Consequences of pro-longed toothache include:

  •  Infection- More often than not, an extreme toothache is caused by an infection. If left untreated, infections can lead to further health complications such as developing into an abscess or even a blood infection. Dental infections shouldn’t be treated lightly- they can be highly dangerous. This is because your teeth are near your brain. Leaving a dental infection untreated allows it to spread, which in extreme circumstances could even result in death.
  • Gum Disease- A build-up of plaque, if untreated, can lead to gum disease. Gum disease can shrink gums and eventually leads to tooth loss. People often underestimate the role of gum disease in tooth loss.
  • Increasing Cavities- A cavity is a hole in your tooth, which leaves the nerve exposed to food, air and water, which leads to further deterioration over time. A cavity will not go away by itself; dental treatment is the only cure. A root canal treatment may be required if a cavity isn’t treated and filled promptly. This is much more difficult and expensive compared to filling a cavity in time.
  • Tooth Loss- Both infection and gum disease can contribute to tooth loss. The loss of the tooth can make eating more difficult and even alter the shape of your smile and face. A missing tooth is also incredibly unsightly! Treatment options, such as implants and dentures, although life changing, can be expensive and time-consuming.
  • An Abscess- An abscess is a build-up of pus caused by a bacterial infection. They can be dangerous if left untreated.

Delaying your dentist’s appointment can result in more frequent, expensive and complicated treatments.

While waiting for your appointment, you should take painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to make the pain more manageable. Your local pharmacy can advise or provide more potent painkillers for severe cases. You may find some temporary relief by rinsing with salt water or using numbing gels. Remember, these are short-term fixes and are no substitute for professional care from your local or emergency dentist.

If you have a minor, or infrequent toothache, you should look into bringing forward your next dental appointment. This can prevent a toothache from worsening, and further dental issues developing. When it comes to your smile, prevention is always better than the cure! If you would like further advice or information, please contact us at Zayra Dental Leeds. For more information visit www.zayradental.co.uk.

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